A piece loosely inspired by the Tool song "Lateralus" incorporating the Fibonacci sequence and symbolism.
Original dimensions:
297 x 420 mm (A3)
A piece based on one of the oldest myths: the world tree, specifically from Norse mythology.
The symbolism of Saturn (both of the celestial body and the god).
Loosely inspired by the Tool song "46 & 2" and by the works of Carl G. Jung.
Symbolism based on the hermetic principle of "As above, so below" (and "As Within, So Without").
698 x 1000 mm (not standard)
A more detailed attempt at capturing the Norse mythology surrounding the world tree.
698 x 698 mm (not standard)
Dualism of the self and cosmos.
Symbolic representation of the external, celestial bodies (above) as birds and components making up the internal, self (below) complemented by border surrounds.
594 x 841 mm (A1)