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De Natura Deorum

Black and white pen art of saturn death time symbolism with tarot card design and detailed patterns

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After being frequently asked questions about specific aspects of my art, I have decided to include an explanation of the thought process behind my bigger pieces. Below is a brief explanation covering some of the details included in "De Natura Deorum", but is by no means all of them. 


This piece explores the symbolism associated with Saturn, both the planet and the mythological deity. Being of a similar importance for cultures and mythologies across the world, Saturn is usually seen as a malevolent, but necessary force of nature. This is no more apparent than in the Greek pantheon where Kronos becomes the manifestation of time itself. Combining this with being the god of the harvest (hence the scythe), Saturn has become associated with not only mortal death (the grim reaper), but with universal death as a natural law (entropy).

As well as the mythological aspects, I also wanted to incorporate more contemporary ideas into the piece. These can be seen through the use of the number six and occult symbolism, which is explained in more detail below. The figure at the centre was inspired by the design of tarot cards which are representations of the occult themselves.


The Inner Circle


The elements at the centre of the piece are contained within a hexagon, a six sided polygon. The hexagon is closely associated to Saturn not only because of its six sides (Saturn being the sixth planet from the Sun) but, more curiously, from the shape of the giant dark storm present on the planet’s northern pole. This hexagonal formation is supposedly due to gravitational phenomena, however, many believe that it’s presence indicates a more sinister explanation involving occult worship (see “The Puppet Master” below).

From this, the cube can be seen to be the link between Saturn and Earth: the cube being the three dimensional expression of the hexagon. This connection fuels much speculation regarding the nature of the world we live in. For instance, it is said that if an asteroid is affected by the gravity of Saturn (the mythological malevolent force), it is likely to be pulled towards Earth, whereas if it is affected by the gravity of Jupiter (the benevolent ruler/protector), the object is likely to be deflected away from Earth.

inner circle.jpg

Puppet Master:

At the top centre of the hexagon, a hand controls the strings that wrap around the central figure and the scythe that hovers around their waist. The orientation of strings such that the figure is unable to move without being killed by the blade. This, along with the hourglasses, is to represent time (Kronos) as a force of nature we are all bound to, and the seemingly deterministic nature of the universe.The hand also serves to represent the more terrestrial hypothesis that some share regarding the occult worship of Saturn by those of us who have obtained enlightenment. This seems to revolve around the symbolism of the black cube (as described previously) and some admittedly strange sculptures being placed in

prominent areas around the world such as in Astor Place (New York) and Svendborg (Denmark). Not limited to sculptures, some point to the over use of black cube symbolism in everyday life as evidence of this occult practice. The Saturn Storm Cube or Black Cube of Saturn conspiracy delves deeper than simply what I have mentioned here, bringing together elements of ruling archons as well as simulation theory and soul traps.



On the triangular panel to the top right of the hexagon you can see that embedded between snakes, the symbol of evil or malevolent forces, is an apple, the symbol of Man’s fall, which was presented by the devil (another connection to Saturn). The number 666 can be seen in the coiling of the snakes, and there are 6 snake heads.



Meant to mirror the panel of snakes to its opposite, the top left of the hexagon is full of thorns wrapping around a number of skulls, both being symbols of death and decay (i.e. Entropy).


To the centre left and centre right of the panels are another set of mirroring panels showing landscapes meant to represent Earth. The left being life and the right, death. This can be seen from left to right (corresponding to the central figure’s lamp and hourglass) as entropy or the change of seasons (i.e. The harvest). Included in these panels are the goat (left) and crow (right).

Central figure:

The figure at the focal point of the artwork can be interpreted as Saturn, death (personified), Lucifer, and/or the individual.

The shining sun flanking the figure’s head was included to show Saturn’s relationship with Lucifer (”the shining one”) and the idea gaining enlightenment (or power over life/death/time/nature) through occult knowledge (illuminatus).

The figure has their senses impaired but is facing enlightening flame of the lamp, “seeing” that which is needed via the divine light and hidden knowledge. Details of the lamp include: the eye of providence, pentagram at hinge, and alchemical symbol of Saturn at the top.

In the other hand, the balances the sands of time in an hourglass in such a position that it cannot be moved without the puppet master’s strings causing the scythe to cut through them. This was to reflect Saturn’s (Kronos’) punishment after defeat by Jupiter (Zeus) where he was sent to Tartarus for eternity, the God of time being it’s own slave.


The dragon-like serpent behind the lower half of the central figure is a representation of fear as the driving force of nature with the dragon/serpent being a universal symbol for malevolence and dread. Here, it is twisted in such a way that it forms the infinity symbol to imply the eternal reoccurrence or eternal return and looms above those trapped in this endless loop (see Saturn Time/Storm Cube).

Border Design

The border consists of a medieval English design which melds a geometric symmetry with organic elements. The 6 Saturnian symbols are placed around the border to mirror motifs within the hexagon:


The shining eye of providence (ringed) is the symbol of enlightenment or hidden knowledge just like that obtained from the flame in the lantern held by the central figure.


 The hand is another symbol of the occult, sometimes combined with an eye at its centre. Again, this is mirrored in the flame of the lantern.



 The scythe is associated with Saturn as both a weapon (in the castration of his father) and a tool (being the god of the harvest). Also included here is the alchemical symbol for Saturn in the shape of the crops. In the hexagon, a scythe can be seen around the waist of the central figure, and the alchemical symbol is present as a detail of the lantern..



 Representative of time passing and entropy. This can also be seen in central figure’s left hand.



 An animal symbolic of death and the dark arts due to the observed ritualistic behaviour and feeding on the dead. Can also be spotted in the centre right panel of the hexagon.



 Has been associated with satan and evil. Present in the panel to the centre left of the hexagon.


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